An electronic calculator is a combination of many parts that work together. Since the development of large-scale integrated circuits, it has become possible to manufacture some functional components on a microprocessor chip (LSI). This chip is the core that realizes various operations and control
The core component (CPU), plus a pre-stored program component composed of a random storage main memory (RAM), a read-only memory (ROM), a keyboard that conveys instruction information, and an output display made of liquid crystal or light-emitting diodes Calculator composed of several parts such as screen and power supply.
As we all know, when people do written calculations, they must follow certain steps. Thousands of people’s thinking is very flexible, so the simple calculation steps don’t seem tense.
Points are important. But for calculators, even simple calculation steps or calculation sequence are very important issues. This is because the operation process of the calculator is pre-defined, and the operation rules cannot be changed arbitrarily.
Obviously, the calculation of a calculator is indeed cumbersome and inconvenient when compared with the calculations of ordinary people. But because the electronic circuit will work at an extremely fast speed, it can make up for and overcome the shortcomings.